Encounter Jesus in the Sacraments


—Saint Patrick Church—

No 9:00 am Daily Mass

March 27, April 9, 10, May 15, 16, 21, 22

—Holy Cross Church—

No 5:00 pm Daily Mass

April 9, May 21

No 9:00 am Daily Mass

May 19


The summit of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum—from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. Though chronologically three days, they are liturgically one day unfolding for us the unity of Christ's Paschal Mystery.

The single celebration of the Triduum marks the end of the Lenten season and leads to the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at the Easter Vigil.

The liturgical services that take place during the Triduum are:

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper

7:00 pm Saint Patrick Church

Adoration follows Mass

Good Friday of the Lord's Passion

6:00 pm Holy Cross Church

The Great Easter Vigil

8:00 pm Saint Patrick Church

Easter Sunday

10:30 am in English

12:00 pm in Samoan

Holy Cross Church

9:00 am & 11:00 am

Saint Patrick Church

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil | 5:00 pm

Sunday | 10:30 am

Monday | 9:00 am

Wednesday | 5:00 pm

St. Peter Chanel Samoan Ministry

2nd & 4th Sunday at 12:00 pm


30 minutes before daily Mass

Saturday | 3:30 pm

3:00 pm during  Lent

by appointment


Perpetual Adoration 24/7

Sign-ups are required to access to the Chapel. To sign up:

Mother of Perpetual Help Novena

Thursday after the 9:00 am Mass

Wednesday at 7:30 pm


Feast of St. Peter Chanel | April 28 Patron Saint of the St. Peter Chanel Samoan Ministry

May Crowning of Mary |   1st Sunday in May

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary*

Exaltation of the Cross |   September 14 Parish Feast Day

All Saints Day* | 12:00 pm

Thanksgiving | 9:00 am

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary* 

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God*  | Vigil on December 31 at 5:00 pm January 1 at 10:00 am

*Holy Day of Obligation

All times are subject to change


Monday - Friday | 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

closed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


New Years Day

Martin Luther King Jr Day

Presidents Day

Easter Monday

Memorial Day


Independence Day

Labor Day

Veterans Day

Christmas Day

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